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Friday, February 1, 2013

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine


Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

If you're a beginner and even an intermediate, hard work on major compound movements working the whole body are all you need. Split routines, negatives and the like are for more advanced trainers.

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Isolation exercises should not even enter the picture until you've been at it over a period of years. Major compound exercises build mass over the entire body, which is what the beginner and intermediate lifter need to do before deciding to work all angles of the biceps. Build good size biceps first and then worry about hitting them from all different angles!

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine
Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Don't forget to eat well, rest and drink plenty of water. Water is your friend people. Don't think for one second you're going to build a solid body by working out and then stuffing pizza and beer down your throat every chance you can. Don't go overboard, everyone needs to let go and have some fun but be sensible about it.

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Squats 2 x 10-15

Bench Press or Dips 2 x 6-12

Chins or Reverse Grip Pulldowns 2 x 6-12

Overhead Press 2 x 6-12

Notes: Work out two days a week and work to momentary muscular failure. Once you go past reps with good form add more weight. Throw in some ab work if you want, but stay away from isolation exercises. Patience is key. Unless you're a genetic freak or on drugs, gains come slow, but steady. If your new to this, stay on this beginners program for six months to a year and then move on to an intermediate program.

Understand that to be successful in any weight training program - hard work is a must! Half-hearted effort does nothing for you. If you're new to weight training or grossly out of shape, consult a physician first. End of disclaimer.

 Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine
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Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

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Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

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Bodybuilding HIT Program: Beginners Routine

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